A successful global ad campaign, in all its complexity, or a brief, humorous exchange between strangers, in essence, is about communication. We are sharing an experience, a story. Human beings, all 7+ billion of us, are an interesting bunch. We cling to the surface of a spec suspended in the boundless dark of the universe. A common desire for most individuals or businesses is to share their story. The simple act of others recognizing themselves in your story enriches life and reinforces the human bond. I can help share your story, whether you are an individual or represent an organization. Much of my work in recent years has been for organizations in which structure, restraint and clarity are paramount over creativity -- Broadway shows and the United Nations Development Programme, for example. Here in the Other World, I try not to go nuts with either structure or creativity; both require concessions. My services - graphic design, marketing, copywriting, web design, web admin, video editing, audio editing, cartooning, social media and one-on-one - have expanded over the years. The reasons: necessity, natural curiosity and the realization that more services mean more power to tell stories, like yours.
Hard to believe the pandemic, and its variants, have dragged on into a second year. Humanity has suffered much physically, financially and emotionally, and it is not over. The road to a complete recovery will be maddening and uneven, which makes thoughtful communication especially vital. For me, a Stanley Kubrick quote reasserts an essential truth for all of us.
Where do they come from? Most of us have stared at a blank sheet of paper, or have stared off into space desperately hoping that a more determined stare into nothingness would reveal a great idea. The creative process, in one sense, is a formula: Part, science; part, art. Ocassionally, capturing the Art can be exasperating: Good creative in its formative stage is vaporous…light...elusive. The challenge is knowing when, and with what measure, to mix other ideas with the first spark; and, subsequently, how to shape it.
Created this video for a website on reclaiming common sense in the American Republic: Tatlow & Rawlings - Apostles of Paine
Whether you believe humans first had the capcity for abstract thought 40,000-years ago or as far back as 200,000-years ago, I say "Funny" has been treated poorly. Unlike a heart surgeon, teacher or astrophysicist, one can't earn a degree in funny. Yet funny contributes enormously towards the well-being of humanity. Timeless and universal, this singularly human quality has been around for tens-of-thousands of years. Furthermore, funny is welcomed in all races and societies, and in every era of human existence. Face it, Funny earned its keep over the past 2,000-years making innumerable comedic contributions for the benefit of mankind: Whether Cicero asserting the importance of humour in De Oratore; or the insightfully savage political cartoons which mobilized the citizenry during the French Revolution; to the wondrous gifts of creators such as François Rabelais, Oscar Wilde and Charles M. Schulz. And I haven't even touched on the extraordinary contributions of stand-up comedy or black humour during war.
Funny is one of the most powerful qualities one can possess. Funny welcomes, enlightens, warns, heals, loves, makes amends, is self deprecating educates, softens harsh realities, empowers beats bullies, cuts through bullshit, fosters courage, belief, seals deals, lessens tension and much, much more. Funny is no joke. It's the real deal. Unius is dedicated to the spread of Funny Services: Copywriting, graphics, photo composition, cartoons, video (smartphone), audio, tips on funny. Occasions: Work, birthdays, anniversaries, clubs, presentations, essentially anywhere, anytime.
How Can I Help?
Have worked on numerous touring Broadway productions for the Artistic Producer who brings shows into Western Canadian markets. The first show in our post-pandemic world was the Broadway hit, COME FROM AWAY, May 10-24, 2023. We set a single day record for ticket sales at the Royal Theatre with 12,000, then added four shows to a sold out run. Incredible! Based on COME FROM AWAY's branding guide, I produced all the print/digital/online marketing collateral as well developing a web site, social media and web admin duties too. We kick-started 2024 with a successful run of JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. Some other shows I've worked on: The Carole King musical: Beautiful, MAMMA MIA!, CHICAGO, Jersey Boys, The King and I, Blue Man Group. Visit Broadway in Victoria
Visit Broadway in Victoria
Tatlow & Rawlings spawned the "Common Sense Movement" to reclaim the American republic. I originated the concept, produced all creative and graphics, wrote most of the copy. The first site from 2017 was taken down recently. You can review a distilled version of Tatlow & Rawlings - Apostles of Paine by visiting Tatlow & Rawlings
Tatlow & Rawlings
SPREZZATURA - Life Deliciously Absurd The concept for this production is based on a long-running, highly successful show in Europe: Five-star dining, theatre and cirque all staged within a vintage Spiegeltent. I was responsible for establishing the overall design aesthetic and creating a name for this show (SPREZZATURA: Life Deliciously Absurd) which was to premiere in Canada. Created a promotional package for investors. The package included a magazine, promotional video and temporary website.
Created a series of promotional pieces for the UNDP. Strict adherence to their Identity Manual.
Young & Rubicam was hired to help boost tourism in Prince Edward Island. Y&R contracted me to do the storyboards. I was given the copywriting, most of what is seen here. However, I did have the creative freedom to illustrate/compose the cells as I saw fit: Added a few lines of copy too. My illustrative background includes commercial illustration, concept sketches, cartoons and a book for kids.
Can one make incredibly gorgeous British Columbia even more gorgeous? It is possible if you cruise the Pacific Northwest on an 86-foot custom built yacht like Amnesia IV. I created and wrote a range of print/digital collateral to market Amnesia IV for charter. Eventually became friends with the owner (A stowaway is still classified as a friend, right?). Knew every inch of this vessel, both sober and smashed. Beautiful no matter your state of consciousness.
CREATIVE AND TECHNICAL CONSULTANT on Large Scale Fine Art Commission The finished installation was a large format translucent print 87-feet wide by 15-feet high. This translucent print was then applied to a floor-to-ceiling window. The large scale file - highly complex overlapping layers of illustrations, images, photos and filters - was edited, assembled and output in Photoshop.
Me and one other person processed hundreds of images of a Photoshoot. The photos were part of a presentation for longstanding client, Boston Pizza. The photo archive had a couple dozen different uniforms, and mulitple variations for most of those uniforms. We performed post-production on raw images on models. Colour changed the garments, as required, after processing. Provided mock-ups and created presentation boards.