Curiosity leads to knowledge which leads to ambition which leads to discovery of new people and
new worlds.
To the curious, welcome.
Two Worlds is divided into My World (my personal page) and the Other World (my communication
services page).
Scroll down a bit to find a section highlighting content found elsewhere on Two Worlds. Beneath
that is the Ambient Sector:
a section devoted to the science, technology, and people who explore the observable universe. By
the way, I know absolutely
nothing about Astrophysics, Data Science, Cosmology, Instrumentation, Exoplanets, or anything
else. However, I do have a PhD in wonder and enthusiasm.
My personal/professional philosophy for connecting with people is simple. With all philosophical
pretense stripped away, a Stanley Kubrick quote says it best,
"However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light." The essence for the Two Worlds brand
is the connecting or overlapping 'Os' in two worlds. Secondly, the alien green color palette.
My troglodytic hunch says conscious entities on exoplanets would also recognize the universal
meaning of alien green.
Ultimately, Two Worlds is eclipsed by a simple insight into the human experience that each of us
knows but often forgets.
We simply want to share our story; To send out a transmission with the hope someone, somewhere
picks it up and sees a reflection.